Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Biggest Loser Update #6

We missed last week because of Spring Break. While we didn't exercise or eat quite right, we still managed to lose more weight! Here's the scoop for this week's weigh-in:

This week: 3 pounds
Total: 24 pounds

This week: 2 pounds
Total: 14 pounds

A Lesson In Teamwork

I must say, Jonathan's soccer season before this week had been rather disappointing. Although the team had managed to keep the opponents' goals down to a minimum of 1 or 2, they had played 4 games without scoring a single goal. Jeff and I, and many other parents, had begun to notice that our players would just stop and wait after getting only so far down the field instead of following the ball all the way to the goal. Also, they would all run after the ball so no one would be waiting to be passed to down at our goal. So they never really got close enough to kick it in.

This all changed lately. Our assistant coach just had neck surgery, so Jeff stepped in to help. He came up with a brand new strategy which spread our players out so they could pass the ball down the field. Two of our players stay on our end of the field waiting for the ball, one mid-field and one right in the middle of our goal box.

Last night was our team's first time to really make this work. Two quarters passed and our team was still trying to get the hang of it since they had never had time to practice it this way. The score was still 0 to 0. At this point, the coach asked Jeff who he thought would score if put right by the goal. Jeff, knowing his son would never disappoint him, told him "If you put Jonathan down there, I guarantee he will get the ball in the goal." So Jonathan was put in to make his Daddy proud. Not only did he score 1 goal, but he kicked 2 goals right past the goalie. It made for an exciting and victorious game. The final score was 2 to 0.

After high-fiving and loving on Jonathan, he said this: "I was the only one on the team who scored any goals!" As we assured him of how proud we were of him for playing hard, we used this as an opportunity to teach him about teamwork. We explained to him that it was his foot that actually kicked the winning goals, but without the feet of his teammates that ball would have never made it down to him. In reality, it took the whole team to work together to make the goals.

Sorry we have no pictures. We forgot the camera!

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Biggest Loser Update #5

Jeff and I began personal training sessions this week to, hopefully, increase our chances of more weight loss. All we can say is "OOOWWW!" We have found muscles we didn't even know we had. After all the soreness and exhaustion, here are the results:

This week: 2 pounds
Total: 21 pounds

This week: 1 pound
Total: 12 pounds

We will miss next week because it's SPRING BREAK, but we have bought a small amount of equipment to keep it going on our own. And when we come back home, we still have one more week of full personal training (and possibly pain all over again) to look forward to.

Scootin' On Down the Road

Since we had another nice day and a little time to spare, the boys got out last week to ride their scooters. They absolutely love getting out of the house to play outside, and we are so elated it's finally warm enough to let them loose!

Super Soccer Stars

Soccer is now in full swing! Jonathan and Aaron are both keeping us all busy playing soccer this Spring (and winter). Although they play in two different age divisions, they were luckily assigned the same coach. So this means none of the practices or games ever overlap; and mostly all of their games are on the same night back-to-back.

The matches began this past Monday night. Aaron and Jonathan both had games, so we were at the soccer fields from about 6:00 until 8:45 cheering the boys on. Aaron's team won their game by a whopping 6 points with score of 9 to 3! Jonathan's, on the other hand, came off the field with a loss of 2 to 0. Both the boys played their hearts out and are really looking pretty good! Jeff makes a pretty good assistant coach for Aaron's Red Team too!

We had games tonight too. Aaron's team scored 5 points for their team, plus 2 points for the other team. When those 2 points were added to the Blue team's 5 points, the victory went to the Blue team. The final score was 7 to 5.

Jonathan and the Purple team played a tough game against the Blue team. The opponent managed to score 1 goal. Jonathan ran fast and got some good kicks, and almost scored a goal. However, the other team won. The final score was 1 to 0.

We're keeping our heads up, continuing to play hard, and having a blast! Everyone can come see them play anytime. Just let us know! In the meantime, here are some pictures of Aaron's game. Jonathan's pictures didn't turn out, so we'll post some later.

Aaron and the RED Team

Friday, March 2, 2007


Just to let everyone know, I have just started uploading our videos with a new video site. Maybe those of you who have been having trouble viewing the videos on your computer can watch them now.

The very first video was posted on December 13. Click here to watch Mr. Caleb in action!
Click here to watch Jonathan's Valentine's program.

Leave a comment to let us know if this worked or not. Hopefully, we'll get it straightened out soon!

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Biggest Loser Update #4

This week, Jeff continued to shed lots more pounds. I am still losing just a small amount each week, but a few pounds are better than none!
Last weekend was a huge "cheat weekend". A couple of friends of mine and I went to a Ladies' Retreat Friday and Saturday, and the theme just happened to be "CHOCOLATE- a gift from God." So, needless to say, a lot of chocolate was consumed, resulting in a 2-pound weight gain over the weekend. By today, though, I managed to get rid of those 2 pounds plus one more.
Here are the full results from this week:
This week: 5 pounds
Total: 19 pounds
This week: 1 pound
Total: 11 pounds