Friday, February 16, 2007

Everything We Love

Last night, we spent the evening at Jonathan's school where the First Graders presented a Valentine's program. They entertained us with some beautiful music to explain exactly what First Graders love. Some of these things are animals ("Old MacDonald"), school (their school song, "Sullivan's Kids"), our country ("This Land Is Your Land"), teeth ("Loose Tooth"), and mail ("Mail Myself to You"). One of their favorite things is to sing, and they really sang their little hearts out for their audience of parents and loved ones. This was Jonathan's first school program and it was a huge success!

How we wish everyone could have been here to watch his program, but we did happen to catch a small sample on video and, of course, a few pictures of the performance. As you're watching the video, notice how excited Jonathan looks as he's singing "Old MacDonald"; and, by the way, the girl with the pigtails you see singing her heart out and rocking back and forth, is his girlfriend, Sara.

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