Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Need a good laugh? We caught some of Caleb's crazy antics on camera, and thought we could share them. For the video, just click on the big arrow to catch a small glimpse of Caleb clowning around. Hope you enjoy!

These are some of our favorite shots of him that crack us up, too! He has certainly got a personality of his own!

He is precious when he's goofing around (which is most of the time), pouting, and even sleeping. And yes, he regularly sleeps inside his pillowcase with his pillow!


Anonymous said...

Im just wondering if he got the pillow case thing from jeff. What a funny sight that would be and a big pillow case. HAHA

Jeff said...

I sense a tremendous pillow fight ensuing soon! :)

Anonymous said...

There is no telling what would happen if we let Caleb and Miles alone together!! I don't even want to think about it. lol