Precious Treasures
This Christmas helped me to discover one of the greatest treasures our family has been blessed with.It all started when my dad (Pa, as my kids call him) had the bright idea to trek into the woods at my grandparents' to cut down our very own Christmas tree. So, through the woods we went, Jeff, me, Pa, Matt (my cousin), and Daddy Wayne (my grandpa) with the boys in tow on his handy tractor, to find the perfect tree. Much to the boys' delight, we spotted 3 trees that, when put all together, made a very fine choice. So Pa, Dad, and Daddy Wayne began the process of cutting them down. On our way out of the woods, the trees rode in the tractor while the boys caught a ride on the 4-wheeler with Matt.
Back at the shop, the guys figured out the best way to wire all the trees together. Can't wait to decorate!!
We were welcomed back by Mama Nance (my grandma) with our favorite treats: HOT CHOCOLATE & WARM COOKIES! Yummy to our tummies!
You would think that nothing could top this great adventure; but back at Pa's house, we had a blast decorating our new tree! Don't you think it looks
This tree was quite a treasure in the boys' eyes, and I thought it was pretty cool, too. But to me, it was the time spent with people who love and care about us all very much that was the greatest gift of all.
Thanks so much to all of our grandparents for making us always feel special. We love you so much!!
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