Sunday, April 6, 2008

Ready or Not, Here He Comes!

It seems as if time just flew by as we waited for Levi; and before we knew it, the time had come. And we weren't quite ready! Some friends of mine threw a surprise baby shower, thankfully; and we received some clothes, diapers and supplies, and a playpen. Besides that, we didn't have much more. We've borrowed a crib, but we had to buy pretty much everything else. Jeff's parents sent us a new stroller/carseat combo, which we are extremely grateful for. My parents, grandparents, and aunt sent lots of goodies like bottles, blankets, and more clothes. So all this to say: we were totally prepared by the time Levi arrived!! Thanks to everyone who supplied us with the physical needs, and also thanks to everyone who's lifted us up in your prayers!!

Here are a few pictures of the many preparations. . .

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