Thursday, May 31, 2007

7 Years Already???!!!

Can you believe it has been 7 years since Mr. Jonathan has blessed us with his presence in our world? It seems like only yesterday that he amazed us with his outstanding birth weight of 9 lbs. and 10 oz., earning him the nickname "Bruiser" (thanks to good ole Daddy Wayne)! And today I stand in awe of how big he's grown and how much he has learned since that life-changing day he was born. I definitely miss holding my "little man" in my lap, rocking him to sleep, and chasing away the bed bugs; but each day brings more exciting times to my life. How could I trade getting science lessons almost daily, or playing baseball/soccer/racquetball with him, or answering an unending supply of questions from this boy who loves to learn? So as he turns 7, I look back to sweet memories we have made together and I look forward to many, many more memories yet to happen.

So here's to our 7 year old Jonathan and the next year of his life. To celebrate and keep with our tradition, we had birthday pancakes this morning together. Then, he was surprised when he opened his present. He had been wanting a Nintendo gameboy for quite some time, so we presented him with a Nintendo DS. He was extremely excited and couldn't thank us enough. We were happy to make him so happy!

Happy Birthday Jonathan! We love ya, buddy!


Greg said...

Happy B-day Jonathan!!

Anonymous said...

Jonathan, the day you were born was one of the best days of my life - thank you for bringing so much joy and happiness to me and Pepaw. We love you and hope your birthday was awesome - we will see you in a few days!!!!
