Stop and Think
We've been working with the boys about how we stop and think before we make a choice to do something. This is a huge work still in major progress. We had to reiterate our point with Caleb twice today. First when he thought it would be a good idea to smear yogurt all over the window in the truck; and second, when he decided to dump out water from a water gun on Aaron's head. But I think this idea of thinking is finally starting to wear off on the boys. Evidence of this is found in the following conversation I overheard today as the boys were coloring in the playroom. I'm thinking they were about to dump the crayons out of the box, which would have made a big mess.
Caleb: Let me color, too.
Aaron: Wait! Now let's stop and think about what we're doing.
Caleb: Will we get in trouble for doing this?
Aaron: Well, we better not.
And their playroom is still neat and tidy!
Wow Kacey! You have really been busy blogging. I am enjoying them all. Maybe when the boys get that stop and think thing down it will rub off on Bailey. I'll keep my fingers crossed. Alesha
Sweet Bailey??!! Oh she'll be just fine, that precious little angel!
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