Little Levi
It's been a month, and Levi is not so little anymore! Our baby boy is growing like crazy, no matter how much I want him to stay my baby boy. At four weeks old, Levi's favorite things are eating, sleeping, and staring at lights. He just started grinning at us on April 8th, which we all find adorable! He is also starting to sleep longer at night, so we're getting more rest.

I have totally loved having a new baby. We say he is completely spoiled because he really likes to be held and cuddled; but I just can't help it. He is our last baby, so I want to relish every minute I have with him. My favorite moments are when I am feeding him, and he grabs hold of my thumb and pinkie and squeezes as hard as he can. I look at his little fingers around mine and dream of what great things his little hands will do and what awesome plans God has in store for my baby's future.

Even Levi's big brothers continually take care of him. They check on him every morning, hold him after school, and dispense hugs and sugars at bedtime. When he cries, they stick his paci in his mouth and pat his tummy or rub his little forehead. It is a such a joy to watch as they love their baby brother with all their heart!

Anyway, there you have it-Levi's life story so far. Hope you enjoy the pics!
Kacey- I found your blog on our computer at work. Levi is adorable. You are making me want to have another baby!! You are going to have hard time coming back to work because he is too cute! Congrats!!
Thanks Sondra! It will be difficult to leave him, but that will be good Daddy/Son bonding time. And it's only 2 days a week.
That is how I look at it too! And, it is nice to put "real clothes" on a few days a week:)
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