One More Rhodes Boy!
I know y'all have been waiting for pictures of our sweet new blessing; so without further ado, we'd like to introduce Levi Craig Rhodes. He was born March 11, 2008 (3.11) at 3.11 pm. He weighed 9 lb. 1 oz. at birth, and was 21 in. long. He looks a lot like Aaron and weighs exactly what Aaron did when he was born. We are all doing fine, and really enjoying our precious new angel. We have truly been blessed with wonderful boys, and this little guy is no different. Can you tell I'm a proud new mommy. . . again?
And, of course, Daddy and brothers were extremely proud too. . .
Ma and Pa welcomed their 4th grandson with smiles, kisses, and lots of hugs.
Our friends, Austin, Alesha, their daughter, Bailey, and Claudia all took turns holding Levi.
We're really looking forward to more exciting stories to share with everyone, so keep checking back. Better yet, come visit us! We're excited about Nana and Pepaw's visit this weekend; and Aunt Dana and our cousin, Katie are coming to see us next week. We'll be sure to take more pictures!
1 comment:
Congrats on your newest little blessing. Cant wait to see more pics!
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