1st Day of School
Last Friday, we visited Jonathan and Aaron's school for Back to School Nite. We looked at their classrooms and met both of their teachers. The boys were excited to start Monday morning, while Caleb and I were left feeling a little empty inside! They have had a really fantastic week and are both enjoying meeting new friends and learning new things. We are so extremely proud to have such brilliant little guys!

Back to School Nite

First Day of Kindergarten and 2nd Grade!
Notice, they are sporting their Louisiana pride!
Aww!!! They are so adorable! I miss you guys...now Taryn and Tristan are the only 2 left. Things are so different without ya'll here. Oh, by the way...Congratulations!!!! You two are soooo crazy!
Poor boys. You sent them in their LSU duds to make enemies on the first day. We need to get them some Arkansas jersey's so they can make a good impression. Ha, Ha!!
Ya'll are looking GOOD!!!
Especially in your LSU outfits.
Ma and I are PROUD PROUD PROUD of ya'll.
Buy the way, regarding the statement the Taylor's made; I agree an Ark. jersey may be one step above Mississippi, but those LSU duds show they are head and shoulders above the rest of the pack.
Love Ya, PA
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