Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Break #1

Yep, we knew it was inevitable since we do have 3 rambunctious boys. And it finally happened yesterday. Here's the scoop. Of course, Caleb was doing what he does best, irritating Jonathan. Jonathan finally had enough and pushed him off the bottom bunk of their bed onto the floor. Caleb hit the floor trying to catch himself with his hands and his right shoulder popped. He came to tell Jeff and me, and we really didn't think much of it. We finally noticed that he wouldn't use his right arm and if it moved he would cry. It was then that we realized that he was in great pain. So we took him to the doctor this morning for an X-ray (which he thought was way cool) and found out he broke his collar bone. Not much can be done about it except put his little arm in a sling and immobilize it as much as possible (which is quite a task for this very active 4 year old boy)!

Anyway, he has asked us to pray for his arm several times and I know he would appreciate some prayers from everybody else!!! Here's a picture of him with his arm in the sling. Please notice the look on his face. This is the only expression we've seen for two days. Bless his little heart!!


Greg said...

Oh NO!!! Tell Caleb he has our prayers as well!!

Anonymous said...

My poor baby nephew! Tell him I love him and I will pray for him!
~~Aunt Dana