Silly Caleb
You never know what Caleb is going to do. This is how we found him one night, fast asleep. Maybe it's just a sequel to another instance.
(Click on the above link to see other sleeping habits!)
You never know what Caleb is going to do. This is how we found him one night, fast asleep. Maybe it's just a sequel to another instance.
(Click on the above link to see other sleeping habits!)
Categories Caleb, Kacey's Stories, Random Stories
Categories Aaron, Caleb, Kacey's Stories, T-ball
Categories Baseball, Family Activities, Kacey's Stories, Summer Fun
Happy Birthday to Aaron!! He's now 5 years old! And he's still the same, sweet little boy he was when he was born. Last year was his first year to play soccer and t-ball and this next year, I think I'll cry when we drop him off in Kindergarten. Wow! I can't believe it's that time!! So here's to Aaron's special day. These pictures include some celebrating at home and with family in Minden.
Categories Aaron, Birthdays, Kacey's Stories
Categories Cookouts, Kacey's Stories, Summer Fun