Wednesday, January 17, 2007


One of Jonathan's bottom teeth finally decided to turn loose of his gums. He's also about to lose one his top teeth. We didn't think they would ever let go, but now that he's almost 7 they're all falling out.

Jonathan was so excited last night. He was wiggling and pushing his bottom tooth with his tongue, totally grossing his dad and me out. Then the next moment he was holding his tooth in his hand, grinning from ear to ear! His tooth and wallet carefully placed under his pillow, he drifted off to sleep in hopes that the Tooth Fairy soon would leave him some treasure. He woke up this morning and glanced under his pillow to find a whole dollar. The value of teeth has skyrocketed since we were kids!


Anonymous said...

Since you've lost your tooth, are you able to drink something through a straw, while keeping your mouth clinched shut?
You ought to try it.
Love ya,

Kacey said...

Dear Pa,

Yes, sir. I did try and it worked. I thought it was cool so I'll do it again.
