Thin Ice!
Like most parts of the country, it got cold here last week. In fact, it was cold enough to cover most of the pond behind our apartment with ice. This pond is the main reason we decided to move into these apartments. We love looking at the fish and feeding the ducks right out our back door; however, the ice presented a new challenge.
The first thing that flew out of Jonathan's mouth that morning was "ice-skating!" Not good. I explained in detail the dangers of stepping out on the ice. Don't do it! Wouldn't you know that he just had to try. You can see him in the picture wearing the black coat getting as close as possible. Then, without any warning, I looked up to find him walking out on it! Needless to say, my reaction matched my fear. He got off quickly.
He didn't think it was any big deal, though. He said, "Look, I didn't fall in." Well, I got the bright idea to show him how thin it really was. I eased over to the edge so I could break the ice with my foot. To my surprise, I realized it was quite thick. I began pounding on it with my foot. Suddenly, I broke through. To my great dismay, and the glorious pleasure of my boys, my momentum kept going and my foot plunged beneath the icy surface of the pond. Yep, it was cold! I yelled, they laughed. Hum, maybe it was a lesson I needed to learn.
1 comment:
Hey Jeff, Kacey, Jonathan, Aaron, and Caleb!!! I decided to set myself up so I can post messages to you - good idea, huh?
One of the highlights of my day is to come here and see pictures of all of you. How fun the ice skating and the ducks at the frozen pond look. Jeff, you should have fallen all the way in just to entertain the boys! If I close my eyes, I can imagine myself there with you reading a Christmas book every night. What a great idea, Kacey! I can't get the video of Caleb to play. Is there something I need to download to make it work?
Be sure to remember me and Pepaw in your prayers as we recover from our surgeries. We are doing fine. Looking forward to seeing you in a few days! I love you bunches!
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