Countdown to Christmas
This year, we started a new Christmas countdown tradition for our family. We have 24 wrapped books under the Christmas tree. Each night, one of the boys chooses one and unwraps it for me to read to them. They know to take turns each night (and never fight about it) :). Since Christmastime is alway
s a hustle and a bustle everywhere we go, this is a time to slow down and focus on what Christmas is all about. The boys love having mine and Jeff's undivided attention; and we love the opportunity to share our time, our lives, and our love with the boys.
December 1: Caleb chose
Who'll Pull Santa's Sleigh Tonight?
I love your new tradition! I must ask, are they new books? Or books you owned wrapped up?
I am a teacher, so I already had a pretty good collection of Christmas books. We mostly used these, but we did buy a few new ones. We plan to add to our collection every year.
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